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Pauwels, Anne (1994) 'Swabian speech communities in Melbourne: A sociolinguistic discussion.' In: Berend, Nina and Mattheier, Klaus J., (eds.), Sprachinselforschung. Frankfurt/Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 205-220.
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Pauwels, Anne (1994) 'Swabian speech communities in Melbourne: A sociolinguistic discussion.' In: Berend, Nina and Mattheier, Klaus J., (eds.), Sprachinselforschung. Frankfurt/Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 205-220.
Ingham, Bruce (1994) 'Modality in the Arabic Dialect of Najd.' In: Caubet, D and Vanhove, M, (eds.), Actes des Premières Journées internationales de dialectologie arabe de Paris : colloque international tenu à Paris, du 27 au 30 janvier 1993. Paris: Publications Langues 'O, pp. 185-200.