Shackle, Christopher and Arnold, David, eds. (2003) SOAS Since the Sixties. London: SOAS University of London.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Introduction: SOAS at the Crossroads (with David Arnold), Language Studies: A Play in Three Acts.' In: Arnold, David and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), SOAS Since the Sixties. London: SOAS University of London, pp. 1-19.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Ramayana.' In: Ranke, Kurt and Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm, (eds.), Enzyklopädie des Märchens : Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 176-190.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Paul Thieme (1905-2001): Ordinarus fur Indologie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen 1960-1973.' In: Bruchner, H, Butzenberger, K, Malinar, Angelika and Zeller, G, (eds.), Indienforschung im Zeitenwandel: Analysen und Dokumente. Tubingen (Germany): Attemo Verlag, pp. 250-279.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Paul Thieme (1905-2001): Ordinarus fur Indologie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen 1960-1973.' In: Bruchner, H, Butzenberger, K, Malinar, Angelika and Zeller, G, (eds.), Indienforschung im Zeitenwandel: Analysen und Dokumente. Tubingen (Germany): Attemo Verlag, pp. 250-279.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Panjabi.' In: Cardona, G. and Jain, D., (eds.), The Indo-Aryan Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 581-621.
Deol, Jeevan (2003) 'Illustration and Illumination in Sikh Scriptural Manuscripts.' In: Singh, K., (ed.), New Insights into Sikh Art. Mumbai: Marg, pp. 50-67.
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Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Provincial Dreams and Federal Nightmares: The Urdu Short Stories of Mazhar ul Islam.' In: Kennedy, C, McNeil, K, Ernst, C and Gilmartin, David, (eds.), Pakistan at the Millenium. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-269.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Provincial Dreams and Federal Nightmares: The Urdu Short Stories of Mazhar ul Islam.' In: Kennedy, C, McNeil, K, Ernst, C and Gilmartin, David, (eds.), Pakistan at the Millenium. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-269.
Shackle, Christopher, Matthews, David and Husain, Shahrukh (2003) Urdu Literature. Pakistan: Alhamra.
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Hutt, Michael (2003) 'Reading Sumnima.' In: Lecomte-Tilouine, M. and Dolfus, P., (eds.), Ethnic Revival and Religious Turmoil. Identities and Representation in the Himalayas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-43.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Paul Thieme (1905-2001): Ordinarus fur Indologie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen 1960-1973.' In: Bruchner, H, Butzenberger, K, Malinar, Angelika and Zeller, G, (eds.), Indienforschung im Zeitenwandel: Analysen und Dokumente. Tubingen (Germany): Attemo Verlag, pp. 250-279.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Urdu Literature.' In: Martin, Richard C., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. New York: Macmillan, n/a.
Shackle, Christopher, Matthews, David and Husain, Shahrukh (2003) Urdu Literature. Pakistan: Alhamra.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Provincial Dreams and Federal Nightmares: The Urdu Short Stories of Mazhar ul Islam.' In: Kennedy, C, McNeil, K, Ernst, C and Gilmartin, David, (eds.), Pakistan at the Millenium. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-269.
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Rosenstein, Lucy (2003) New Poetry in Hindi (Nayi Kavita): An Anthology. New Delhi: Permanent Black.
Shackle, Christopher and Arnold, David, eds. (2003) SOAS Since the Sixties. London: SOAS University of London.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Introduction: SOAS at the Crossroads (with David Arnold), Language Studies: A Play in Three Acts.' In: Arnold, David and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), SOAS Since the Sixties. London: SOAS University of London, pp. 1-19.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Introduction: SOAS at the Crossroads (with David Arnold), Language Studies: A Play in Three Acts.' In: Arnold, David and Shackle, Christopher, (eds.), SOAS Since the Sixties. London: SOAS University of London, pp. 1-19.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Panjabi.' In: Cardona, G. and Jain, D., (eds.), The Indo-Aryan Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 581-621.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Provincial Dreams and Federal Nightmares: The Urdu Short Stories of Mazhar ul Islam.' In: Kennedy, C, McNeil, K, Ernst, C and Gilmartin, David, (eds.), Pakistan at the Millenium. Karachi: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-269.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) Siraiki Marsiya. Pakistan: Bazme Saqafat.
Shackle, Christopher (2003) 'Urdu Literature.' In: Martin, Richard C., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. New York: Macmillan, n/a.
Shackle, Christopher, Matthews, David and Husain, Shahrukh (2003) Urdu Literature. Pakistan: Alhamra.
Deol, Jeevan (2003) 'Illustration and Illumination in Sikh Scriptural Manuscripts.' In: Singh, K., (ed.), New Insights into Sikh Art. Mumbai: Marg, pp. 50-67.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Paul Thieme (1905-2001): Ordinarus fur Indologie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen 1960-1973.' In: Bruchner, H, Butzenberger, K, Malinar, Angelika and Zeller, G, (eds.), Indienforschung im Zeitenwandel: Analysen und Dokumente. Tubingen (Germany): Attemo Verlag, pp. 250-279.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Ramayana.' In: Ranke, Kurt and Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm, (eds.), Enzyklopädie des Märchens : Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 176-190.
Söhnen-Thieme, Renate (2003) 'Paul Thieme (1905-2001): Ordinarus fur Indologie und Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen 1960-1973.' In: Bruchner, H, Butzenberger, K, Malinar, Angelika and Zeller, G, (eds.), Indienforschung im Zeitenwandel: Analysen und Dokumente. Tubingen (Germany): Attemo Verlag, pp. 250-279.