Yeon, Jaehoon, Kiaer, Jieun and Brown, Lucien (2013) The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader. Abingdon, New York: Routledge. (Routledge Modern Language Readers)
Centeno, Marcos and Liverani, Laura (2013) Ainu 2009-2013. [Shows/Exhibitions] (Unpublished)
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) 'Organisation and Contents of Korean Pedagogical Grammar - With focus on Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (Yeon and Brown).' In: Sohn, Sung-ock, Cho, S. and You, S, (eds.), Studies in Korean Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: Festschrift for Ho-min Sohn. Seoul: Korea University Press, pp. 566-582.
Gerstle, Andrew, Clark, Timothy, Ishigami, Aki and Yano, Akiko, eds. (2013) Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. London: British Museum Press.
Kizu, Mika and Cross, Naomi (2013) Translating Mimetics into Japanese: a case study of Shokoshi (Little Lord Fauntleroy) in the Meiji era and the present time. In: Grammar of Mimetics Workshop, 10-11 May 2013, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)
Cummings, Alan (2013) 'Benten the Thief.' In: Jones, Sumie and Watanabe, Kenji, (eds.), An Edo Anthology: Literature From Japan's Mega-City, 1750-1850. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, pp. 301-321.
Cummings, Alan (2013) Haiku: Love. London: British Museum Press.
Gerstle, Andrew, Clark, Timothy, Ishigami, Aki and Yano, Akiko, eds. (2013) Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. London: British Museum Press.
Gerstle, Andrew (2013) 'Analyzing the Outrageous: Takehara Shunchôsai's Shunga Book. Makura dôji nukisashi manben tamaguki. (Pillow Book for the Young, 1776).' Japan review : bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies = Nichibunken (26). pp. 169-193.
Kizu, Mika (2013) 'L2 acquisition of null subjects in Japanese: a new generative perspective and its pedagogical implications.' In: Whong, Melinda, Gil, Kook-hee and Marsden, Heather, (eds.), Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 35-55. (Educational Linguistics)
Gerstle, Andrew, Clark, Timothy, Ishigami, Aki and Yano, Akiko, eds. (2013) Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. London: British Museum Press.
Jackson, Andrew David (2013) 'The 1728 Musin Rebellion (Musillan 戊申亂): Approaches, Sources and Questions.' Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Philologia, 58 (1). pp. 161-172.
Jackson, Andrew David (2013) 'South Korean Films about the Korean War, To the Starry Island and Spring in my Hometown.' Acta Koreana, 16 (2). pp. 277-297.
Jackson, Andrew David (2013) 'Years of Radical Change: Korean Popular Screen Culture, Guest Editor’s Introduction.' Acta Koreana, 16 (2). pp. 1-4.
Jackson, Andrew David (2013) 'The initiation of the 1728 Musin rebellion: assurances, the fifth-columnists and military resources.' Korean Histories, 3 (2). pp. 3-15.
Miller, Owen (2013) 'Tobacco and the gift economy of Seoul merchants in the late nineteenth century.' In: Jackson, Andrew David, (ed.), Key Papers on Korea: Essays Celebrating 25 Years of the Centre of Korean Studies, SOAS, University of London. Leiden: Brill, pp. 27-40.
Cummings, Alan (2013) 'Benten the Thief.' In: Jones, Sumie and Watanabe, Kenji, (eds.), An Edo Anthology: Literature From Japan's Mega-City, 1750-1850. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, pp. 301-321.
Yeon, Jaehoon, Kiaer, Jieun and Brown, Lucien (2013) The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader. Abingdon, New York: Routledge. (Routledge Modern Language Readers)
Kizu, Mika (2013) 'L2 acquisition of null subjects in Japanese: a new generative perspective and its pedagogical implications.' In: Whong, Melinda, Gil, Kook-hee and Marsden, Heather, (eds.), Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 35-55. (Educational Linguistics)
Kizu, Mika and Cross, Naomi (2013) Translating Mimetics into Japanese: a case study of Shokoshi (Little Lord Fauntleroy) in the Meiji era and the present time. In: Grammar of Mimetics Workshop, 10-11 May 2013, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)
Kizu, Mika and Yamada, Kazumi (2013) L2 Japanese Null Subjects at the Interface of Syntax and Discourse. In: The Japan Second Language Association: the 13th Annual Conference, 1-2 June 2013, Chuo University. (Unpublished)
Kizu, Mika and Yamada, Kazumi (2013) 'Null Subjects in Topic-drop in L2 Japanese: some implications to the Interface Hypothesis.' In: Otsu, Yukio, (ed.), The Proceedings of the Fourteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
Tanaka, Hidekazu, Sells, Peter and Kizu, Mika (2013) 'Raising out of V+tate phrases.' In: Yatsushiro, Kazuko and Sauerland, Uli, (eds.), Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 227-238.
Centeno, Marcos and Liverani, Laura (2013) Ainu 2009-2013. [Shows/Exhibitions] (Unpublished)
Kizu, Mika (2013) 'L2 acquisition of null subjects in Japanese: a new generative perspective and its pedagogical implications.' In: Whong, Melinda, Gil, Kook-hee and Marsden, Heather, (eds.), Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 35-55. (Educational Linguistics)
Miller, Owen (2013) 'Tobacco and the gift economy of Seoul merchants in the late nineteenth century.' In: Jackson, Andrew David, (ed.), Key Papers on Korea: Essays Celebrating 25 Years of the Centre of Korean Studies, SOAS, University of London. Leiden: Brill, pp. 27-40.
Kizu, Mika and Yamada, Kazumi (2013) 'Null Subjects in Topic-drop in L2 Japanese: some implications to the Interface Hypothesis.' In: Otsu, Yukio, (ed.), The Proceedings of the Fourteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
Pizziconi, Barbara (2013) 'Japanese Politeness in Interaction (guest editorship of the special issue, and Introduction).' Multilingua, 32 (2). pp. 143-154.
Pizziconi, Barbara (2013) Japanese Public Service Announcements (PSA). In: Politeness Conference (LIAR III), 1 Aug 2013, University of Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. (Unpublished)
Tanaka, Hidekazu, Sells, Peter and Kizu, Mika (2013) 'Raising out of V+tate phrases.' In: Yatsushiro, Kazuko and Sauerland, Uli, (eds.), Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 227-238.
Tanaka, Hidekazu, Sells, Peter and Kizu, Mika (2013) 'Raising out of V+tate phrases.' In: Yatsushiro, Kazuko and Sauerland, Uli, (eds.), Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 227-238.
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) 'Organisation and Contents of Korean Pedagogical Grammar - With focus on Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (Yeon and Brown).' In: Sohn, Sung-ock, Cho, S. and You, S, (eds.), Studies in Korean Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: Festschrift for Ho-min Sohn. Seoul: Korea University Press, pp. 566-582.
Tanaka, Hidekazu, Sells, Peter and Kizu, Mika (2013) 'Raising out of V+tate phrases.' In: Yatsushiro, Kazuko and Sauerland, Uli, (eds.), Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 227-238.
Cummings, Alan (2013) 'Benten the Thief.' In: Jones, Sumie and Watanabe, Kenji, (eds.), An Edo Anthology: Literature From Japan's Mega-City, 1750-1850. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, pp. 301-321.
Kizu, Mika (2013) 'L2 acquisition of null subjects in Japanese: a new generative perspective and its pedagogical implications.' In: Whong, Melinda, Gil, Kook-hee and Marsden, Heather, (eds.), Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 35-55. (Educational Linguistics)
Kizu, Mika and Yamada, Kazumi (2013) L2 Japanese Null Subjects at the Interface of Syntax and Discourse. In: The Japan Second Language Association: the 13th Annual Conference, 1-2 June 2013, Chuo University. (Unpublished)
Kizu, Mika and Yamada, Kazumi (2013) 'Null Subjects in Topic-drop in L2 Japanese: some implications to the Interface Hypothesis.' In: Otsu, Yukio, (ed.), The Proceedings of the Fourteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hitsuji Shobo.
Gerstle, Andrew, Clark, Timothy, Ishigami, Aki and Yano, Akiko, eds. (2013) Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art. London: British Museum Press.
Tanaka, Hidekazu, Sells, Peter and Kizu, Mika (2013) 'Raising out of V+tate phrases.' In: Yatsushiro, Kazuko and Sauerland, Uli, (eds.), Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, pp. 227-238.
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) Get Started in Korean (Teach Yourself). London: Hodder and Stoughton. (Teach Youself Languages)
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) 'Organisation and Contents of Korean Pedagogical Grammar - With focus on Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (Yeon and Brown).' In: Sohn, Sung-ock, Cho, S. and You, S, (eds.), Studies in Korean Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: Festschrift for Ho-min Sohn. Seoul: Korea University Press, pp. 566-582.
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) 'Review of <Morphology of 20th Century Korean> (20 seyki wulimal uy hyengthaylon) by Huh Ung (1995/2000), Seoul: Sam Munhwasa. 1530pp.' Hyŏngtʻaeron =Morphology = 형태론, 15 (2). pp. 266-283.
Yeon, Jaehoon, Kiaer, Jieun and Brown, Lucien (2013) The Routledge Intermediate Korean Reader. Abingdon, New York: Routledge. (Routledge Modern Language Readers)
Yeon, Jaehoon (2013) 'Organisation and Contents of Korean Pedagogical Grammar - With focus on Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (Yeon and Brown).' In: Sohn, Sung-ock, Cho, S. and You, S, (eds.), Studies in Korean Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: Festschrift for Ho-min Sohn. Seoul: Korea University Press, pp. 566-582.