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Number of items: 79.

Ade, Dopamu

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Body Beautification.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, Dopamu, (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ (USA): Africa World Press Inc., pp. 389-408.

Ade, P.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The 'Born-to-die'. Chapter 6.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, P., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 97-111.

Adger, David

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Appleyard, David

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Beja as a Cushitic language.' In: Takács, Gábor, (ed.), Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) Studies in Memoriam Werner Vycichl. Leiden: Brill, pp. 175-194. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, Volume: 39)

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Ethiopian Studies in the United Kingdom in the 20th Century.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), Die äthiopischen Studien im 20. Jahrhundert/Ethiopian Studies in the 20th Century. Aachen: Shaker Verlag (Germany), pp. 13-30.

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Appleyard, David (2004) 'The morphology of main and subordinate verb marking with special reference to Ethiopian Semitic and Agaw.' Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere = AAP, 7. pp. 9-31.

Buba, Malami

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'Introduction to Hausa popular fiction.' In: Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William, (eds.), Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Cologne: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag, pp. 1-19. (Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in Afrikanische Sprachen)

Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William (2004) Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Koeln: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag. (Wortkunst und dokumentartexte in Afrikanischen sprachen, 21; Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen, Bd. 21.)

Burgess, William

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'Introduction to Hausa popular fiction.' In: Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William, (eds.), Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Cologne: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag, pp. 1-19. (Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in Afrikanische Sprachen)

Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William (2004) Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Koeln: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag. (Wortkunst und dokumentartexte in Afrikanischen sprachen, 21; Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen, Bd. 21.)

Böll, V

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Cann, Ronnie

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Caplan, Patricia

Caplan, Patricia and Topan, Farouk, eds. (2004) Swahili Modernities. Culture, Politics and Identity on the East Coast of Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'From Mwana Kupona to Mwavita: Representations of female status in Swahili Literature.' In: Caplan, Patricia and Topan, Farouk, (eds.), Swahili Modernities. Culture, poilitics and identity on the East Coast of Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press, pp. 213-227.

Dopamu, A.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The Enemy in the Belief System.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Dopamu, A., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 81-95.

Easton, Kai

Easton, Kai (2004) 'Linking Grahamstown to the Coetzee Legend.' Centennial (Rhodes University Centenary Magazine). pp. 97-99.

Easton, Kai (2004) 'Travels to the Metropolis: Cape Town, London, and J.M. Coetzee's Youth.' Moving Worlds, 4 (1). pp. 72-84.

Fardon, Richard

Fardon, Richard (2004) 'Turner, Victor Witter (1920–1983).' In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian, (eds.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Furniss, Graham

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'George Percy Bargery.' In: Matthew, H. C. G., (ed.), New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 806-7.

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'Introduction to Hausa popular fiction.' In: Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William, (eds.), Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Cologne: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag, pp. 1-19. (Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in Afrikanische Sprachen)

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'Introduction to Hausa popular fiction.' In: Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William, (eds.), Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Cologne: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag, pp. 1-19. (Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in Afrikanische Sprachen)

Furniss, Graham (2004) Orality: the Power of the Spoken Word. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampsphire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Furniss, Graham, Buba, Malami and Burgess, William (2004) Bibliography of Hausa Popular Fiction 1987-2002. Koeln: Ruediger Koeppe Verlag. (Wortkunst und dokumentartexte in Afrikanischen sprachen, 21; Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen, Bd. 21.)

Githiora, Chege

Githiora, Chege (2004) Creative writing in African languages: Production Mediation, Reception. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Githiora, Chege (2004) Form and function in a Swahili urban dialect. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Githiora, Chege (2004) 'Gikuyu Orthography: Past and Future Horizons.' In: Githiora, Chege, Littlefield, Heather and Manfredi, V., (eds.), Kinyira Njira! - Step Firmly on the Pathway! Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 85-95.

Githiora, Chege (2004) 'Gikuyu Orthography: Past and Future Horizons.' In: Githiora, Chege, Littlefield, Heather and Manfredi, V., (eds.), Kinyira Njira! - Step Firmly on the Pathway! Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 85-95.

Githiora, Chege, Manfredi, V. and Littlefield, Heather, eds. (2004) Trends in African Linguistics, Volume 5. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (USA).

Githiora, Chege, Manfredi, V. and Littlefield, Heather, eds. (2004) Trends in African Linguistics, Volume 5. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (USA).

Harrison, Brian

Fardon, Richard (2004) 'Turner, Victor Witter (1920–1983).' In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian, (eds.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jaggar, Philip J.

Jaggar, Philip J. (2004) 'Roy Clive Abraham (1890-1963).' Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. pp. 120-121.

Kempson, Ruth

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Lawal, Nike S.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Body Beautification.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, Dopamu, (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ (USA): Africa World Press Inc., pp. 389-408.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The 'Born-to-die'. Chapter 6.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, P., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 97-111.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The Enemy in the Belief System.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Dopamu, A., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 81-95.

Littlefield, Heather

Githiora, Chege (2004) 'Gikuyu Orthography: Past and Future Horizons.' In: Githiora, Chege, Littlefield, Heather and Manfredi, V., (eds.), Kinyira Njira! - Step Firmly on the Pathway! Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 85-95.

Githiora, Chege, Manfredi, V. and Littlefield, Heather, eds. (2004) Trends in African Linguistics, Volume 5. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (USA).

Manfredi, V.

Githiora, Chege (2004) 'Gikuyu Orthography: Past and Future Horizons.' In: Githiora, Chege, Littlefield, Heather and Manfredi, V., (eds.), Kinyira Njira! - Step Firmly on the Pathway! Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, pp. 85-95.

Githiora, Chege, Manfredi, V. and Littlefield, Heather, eds. (2004) Trends in African Linguistics, Volume 5. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (USA).

Marten, Lutz

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Marten, Lutz (2004) 'Review of Jouni Filip Maho and Bonny Sands, eds., 'The Languages of Tanzania: A Bibliography'.' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 67 (3). p. 451.

Matthew, C

Jaggar, Philip J. (2004) 'Roy Clive Abraham (1890-1963).' Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. pp. 120-121.

Matthew, H. C. G.

Furniss, Graham (2004) 'George Percy Bargery.' In: Matthew, H. C. G., (ed.), New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 806-7.

Matthew, H.C.G.

Fardon, Richard (2004) 'Turner, Victor Witter (1920–1983).' In: Matthew, H.C.G. and Harrison, Brian, (eds.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nosnitsin, D

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Onderka, Pavel

Rettová, Alena (2004) 'Africká filosofie v posledním desetiletí (1994-2004): Na cestě za afrofonními filosofiemi.' In: Onderka, Pavel, (ed.), Afrika: dvojznačné jaro 1994 [Africa: The Ambiguous Spring of 1994]. Prague: Aegyptus, pp. 103-112.

Osei-Nyame Jnr., Kwadwo

Osei-Nyame Jnr., Kwadwo (2004) 'Images of London in African Literature: Ama Ata Aidoo's Our Sister Killjoy and Dambudzo Marechera's The Black Insider.' In: Phillips, L., (ed.), The Swarming Streets. Twentieth-Century Literary Representations of London. New York: Rodopi, pp. 175-197.

Otsuka, Masayuki

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Body Beautification.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, Dopamu, (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ (USA): Africa World Press Inc., pp. 389-408.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The 'Born-to-die'. Chapter 6.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, P., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 97-111.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Diaspora: African communities in the United Kingdom.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore: An Encyclopedia. London: Routledge, pp. 84-85.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The Enemy in the Belief System.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Dopamu, A., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 81-95.

Peek, Philip M.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Diaspora: African communities in the United Kingdom.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore: An Encyclopedia. London: Routledge, pp. 84-85.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'Urban Folklore: The Swahili of Zanzibar.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore. An Encyclopaedia. London: Routledge, pp. 485-486.

Phillips, L.

Osei-Nyame Jnr., Kwadwo (2004) 'Images of London in African Literature: Ama Ata Aidoo's Our Sister Killjoy and Dambudzo Marechera's The Black Insider.' In: Phillips, L., (ed.), The Swarming Streets. Twentieth-Century Literary Representations of London. New York: Rodopi, pp. 175-197.

Rapold, C

Appleyard, David (2004) 'The morphology of main and subordinate verb marking with special reference to Ethiopian Semitic and Agaw.' Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere = AAP, 7. pp. 9-31.

Rave, T

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Rettová, Alena

Rettová, Alena (2004) 'Africká filosofie v posledním desetiletí (1994-2004): Na cestě za afrofonními filosofiemi.' In: Onderka, Pavel, (ed.), Afrika: dvojznačné jaro 1994 [Africa: The Ambiguous Spring of 1994]. Prague: Aegyptus, pp. 103-112.

Rettová, Alena (2004) 'Afrophone philosophies: possibilities and practice. The reflexion of philosophical influences in Euphrase Kezilahabi's Nagona and Mzingile.' Swahili Forum, 11. pp. 45-68.

Rettová, Alena (2004) We Hold on to the Word of Lizard. A Small Anthology of Zimbabwean Ndebele Writing. Středokluky [Czech Republic]: Zdenek Susa.

Rettová, Alena and Urban, Petr, trans. (2004) Edmund Husserl. Ideje k čisté fenomenologii a fenomenologické filosofii. Volume I. Prague: OIKOYMENH.

Sadiku, M. N. O.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Body Beautification.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, Dopamu, (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ (USA): Africa World Press Inc., pp. 389-408.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The 'Born-to-die'. Chapter 6.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Ade, P., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 97-111.

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'The Enemy in the Belief System.' In: Lawal, Nike S., Sadiku, M. N. O. and Dopamu, A., (eds.), Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press Inc., pp. 81-95.

Smidt, W

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Sokolinskaia, E

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Some thoughts on the origin of the Amharic 'object marker' -õ -[´]n.' In: Böll, V, Nosnitsin, D, Rave, T, Smidt, W and Sokolinskaia, E, (eds.), Studia Aethiopica. In Honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 291-301.

Swinburne, David

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Takács, Gábor

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Beja as a Cushitic language.' In: Takács, Gábor, (ed.), Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) Studies in Memoriam Werner Vycichl. Leiden: Brill, pp. 175-194. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, Volume: 39)

Topan, Farouk

Caplan, Patricia and Topan, Farouk, eds. (2004) Swahili Modernities. Culture, Politics and Identity on the East Coast of Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'From Mwana Kupona to Mwavita: Representations of female status in Swahili Literature.' In: Caplan, Patricia and Topan, Farouk, (eds.), Swahili Modernities. Culture, poilitics and identity on the East Coast of Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press, pp. 213-227.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'From Mwana Kupona to Mwavita: Representations of female status in Swahili Literature.' In: Caplan, Patricia and Topan, Farouk, (eds.), Swahili Modernities. Culture, poilitics and identity on the East Coast of Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press, pp. 213-227.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'Urban Folklore: The Swahili of Zanzibar.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore. An Encyclopaedia. London: Routledge, pp. 485-486.

Tsoulas, George

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

Urban, Petr

Rettová, Alena and Urban, Petr, trans. (2004) Edmund Husserl. Ideje k čisté fenomenologii a fenomenologické filosofii. Volume I. Prague: OIKOYMENH.

Voigt, Rainer

Appleyard, David (2004) 'Ethiopian Studies in the United Kingdom in the 20th Century.' In: Voigt, Rainer, (ed.), Die äthiopischen Studien im 20. Jahrhundert/Ethiopian Studies in the 20th Century. Aachen: Shaker Verlag (Germany), pp. 13-30.

Yankah, Kwesi

Oyètádé, B. Akíntúndé (2004) 'Diaspora: African communities in the United Kingdom.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore: An Encyclopedia. London: Routledge, pp. 84-85.

Topan, Farouk (2004) 'Urban Folklore: The Swahili of Zanzibar.' In: Peek, Philip M. and Yankah, Kwesi, (eds.), African Folklore. An Encyclopaedia. London: Routledge, pp. 485-486.

de Cat, Cécile

Cann, Ronnie, Kempson, Ruth, Marten, Lutz, Otsuka, Masayuki and Swinburne, David (2004) 'On the left and on the right.' In: Adger, David, de Cat, Cécile and Tsoulas, George, (eds.), Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 19-47. (Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, v. 59)

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