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Haustein, Jörg and Maltese, Giovanni, eds. (2014) Handbuch pfingstliche und charismatische Theologie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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Ganeri, Jonardon (2014) 'Philosophical Modernities: Polycentricity and Early Modernity in India.' Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements (74). pp. 75-94.
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Gifford, Paul (2014) 'Evil, Witchcraft and Deliverance in the African Pentecostal Worldview.' In: Clarke, Clifton R., (ed.), Pentecostal theology in Africa. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, pp. 94-113. (African Christian Studies Series)
Gifford, Paul (2014) 'Unity and Diversity within African Pentecostalism: a Comparison of the Christianities of Daniel Olukoya and David Oyedepo.' In: Lindhardt, Martin, (ed.), Pentacostalism in Africa: Presence and Impact of Pneumatic Christianity in Postcolonial Societies. Leiden: Brill. (Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies)
Hartung, Jan-Peter (2014) 'Abused Rationality? On the Role of maʿqūlī Scholars in the Events of 1857/8.' In: Bates, Crispin, (ed.), Mutiny at the Margins: New Perspectives on the Indian Uprising of 1857. Volume 5: Muslim, Dalit and Subaltern Narratives. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 135-155. (Mutiny at the Margins: New Perspectives on the Indian Uprising of 1857.)
Hartung, Jan-Peter (2014) 'Public lecture: On 'Creeds' and 'Guidances': Tradition, Commentary and Canon in the Early Modern Persianate World.' Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 12 June 2014 . (Unpublished)
Haustein, Jörg (2014) 'Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in Ethiopia: A Historical Introduction to a Largely Unexplored Movement.' In: Eliese, Hatem, (ed.), Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 109-127. (Studien zum Horn von Afrika; 3)
Haustein, Jörg (2014) 'Review of Helga Dickow, 'Religion and Attitudes towards Life in South Africa: Pentecostals, Charismatics, and Reborns'.' Pneuma, 36 (1). pp. 131-133.
Haustein, Jörg (2014) 'Review of Katrien Pype, 'The Making of the Pentecostal Melodrama: Religion, Media, and Gender in Kinshasa'.' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20 (4). pp. 813-814.
Haustein, Jörg (2014) 'Review of Ludovic Lado ‘Catholic Pentecostalism and the Paradoxes of Africanization: Processes of Localization in a Catholic Charismatic Movement in Cameroon’.' Journal of Religion in Africa, 44 (3-4). pp. 417-419.
Haustein, Jörg and Maltese, Giovanni (2014) 'Pfingstliche und charismatische Theologie - eine Einführung.' Materialdienst des Konfessionskundlichen Instituts Bensheim, 65 (3). pp. 59-62.
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Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of Jenny Labendz, 'Socratic Torah: Non-Jews in Rabbinic Intellectual Culture'.' Journal of Jewish Studies, 65 (2). pp. 425-427.
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Alan Appelbaum, The Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 139 (7/8). pp. 859-861.
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Alexander Samely et al., 'Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity: An Inventory, from Second Temple Texts to the Talmud'.' Journal of Jewish Studies, 65 (2). pp. 423-425.
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: David Kaposi, Violence and Understanding in Gaza: The British Broadsheets' Coverage of the War, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.' LSE Review of Books .
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Katrin Pietzner, Bildung, Elite, und Konkurrenz. Heiden und Christen vor der Zeit Constantins, STAC 77, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 139 (1). pp. 79-80.
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Marcel Danesi, 'The History of the Kiss! The Birth of Popular Culture', Palgrave Macmillan , 2013.' LSE Review of Books .
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Margaret H. Williams, 'Jews in a Graeco-Roman Environment'. Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 139 (5). pp. 561-563.
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Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Rachel Neis, 'The Sense of Sight in Rabbinic Culture. Jewish Ways of Seeing in Late Antiquity'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 139 (5). pp. 557-559.
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Sarah Ferber, 'Bioethics in Historical Perspective'. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.' LSE Review of Books .
Hezser, Catherine (2014) 'Review of: Shai Secunda, The Iranian Talmud: Reading the Bavli in its Sasanian Context, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.' Theologische Literaturzeitung, 139 (7/8). pp. 867-869.
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Pagel, Ulrich (2014) Buddhist Monks in Tax Disputes: Monastic Attitudes towards Revenue Collection in Ancient India. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale". (Buddhist Asia)
Palumbo, Antonello (2014) Periods in the History of Chinese Buddhism. In: International conference: Chinese Buddhism and the Scholarship of Erik Zürcher., 12-14 February 2014, Leiden University, Leiden. (Unpublished)
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Sims-Williams, Nicholas (2014) Biblical and other Christian Sogdian texts from the Turfan Collection. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. (Berliner Turfantexte)
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Tournier, Vincent (2014) 'Mahākāśyapa, His Lineage, and the Wish for Buddhahood: Reading Anew the Bodhgayā Inscriptions of Mahānāman.' Indo-Iranian Journal, 57 (1-2). pp. 1-60.
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