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Barrow, Ondine and Jennings, Michael, eds. (2001) The Charitable Impulse: NGOs and Development in East and North-East Africa. Oxford: James Currey.

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Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have become one of the prominent features in the political landscape of relief and development. From the provision of relief in emergencies to the establishment of development projects, these organisations have forged a dominant role in many Southern nations, as well as being visible in Northern countries where they undertake publicity, advocacy and lobbying activities. This book examines the historical and contemporary role of agencies in East and North-East Africa through a series of case studies. The book places in context the problems facing the NGO community. Many of the concepts examined in this collection are debates that have re-emerged time after time, precisely because they are integral to the way in which NGOs pursue development. They are not issues that are easy to resolve without changing the nature of the NGO. Through the case studies which look at both relief and development, the role of the NGO is analysed in speficic contexts. The book incorporates both a sectoral analysis of particular areas of action for NGOs - in particular refugees, famine relief, democracy and human rights - as well as an institutional focus upon specific NGOs, such as Oxfam and Christian Aid. This allows for an examination of the NGO world through actual practice and in context.

Item Type: Edited Book or Journal Volume
Keywords: Non-governmental organisations; East Africa; humanitarian
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Law and Social Sciences > Department of Development Studies
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
D History General and Old World > DT Africa
ISBN: 9780852558560
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2009 13:40

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