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Adamson, Fiona (2024) 'Entangled migration states: mobility and state-building in France and Algeria.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50 (3). pp. 597-616.

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This article develops the concept of ‘entangled migration states’ as a means of highlighting the centrality of migration governance to state-building processes, the constitution of state sovereignty, and interstate relations. Drawing on the example of France and Algeria, it demonstrates the key role that migration played in three phases of state-building: the colonial period of Algérie française; the Algerian nationalist independence movement; and postcolonial state-building. In the case of France and Algeria, at least three actors constructed and instrumentalised migration and mobility regimes as sources of power and control – the French imperial state; the non-state Algerian independence movement; and the newly sovereign postcolonial Algerian state. A focus on the entangled nature of migration management allows for a deeper historicisation of contemporary migration regimes and draws attention to the central role played by migration diplomacy and transnational governmentality in contemporary migration management regimes, thus calling into question some of the spatial assumptions undergirding the ‘migration state’ concept. The article traces the evolution of mobility patterns and control in the Franco-Algerian case; their relationship to state-building processes; and the implications for rethinking the ‘migration state’.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Algeria; France; colonialism; migration; decolonisation
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Politics & International Studies
ISSN: 1369183X
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2023 08:28

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