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Istratii, Romina, Ali, Parveen, Feder, Gene and Mshweshwe, Linda (2023) 'Integration of religious beliefs and faith-based resources in domestic violence services to migrant and ethnic minority communities: A scoping review.' PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.

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Domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is a problem that cuts across borders and communities. There is an urgency for domestic violence service providers in multicultural societies like the United Kingdom (UK) to adapt to the diverse backgrounds of their clients so that they can better support victims and survivors to cope and exit harmful situations, as well as help perpetrators stop abusive behaviour through interventions that take into account their socio-cultural context. Religious beliefs are an integral part of many people’s lives and identities, influencing rationalisations, attitudes and help-seeking behaviour around domestic violence. Religious mediators often offer a first point of reference for victimised parties to turn to, with both positive and negative impacts. Despite this recognition, it is unclear to what extent religious sensibilities are being addressed in DVA services, or how best to account for religious beliefs and experiences in a manner that respects religious diversity among clients while recognising gaps in religious literacy among domestic violence providers, social workers, counsellors and other frontline workers responding to the problem. Recognising this, we conducted a scoping review to identify existing approaches and practices for integrating religious beliefs and faith-based resources in domestic violence services. The review had an international scope, was conducted in English and included 30 publications. The synthesis of the evidence pointed to numerous approaches and efforts in integrating religious beliefs and faith-based resources in DVA services, differences and tensions in generalist and community-based responses, and the need for various measures in DVA services to cater to multi-cultural populations.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA), service providers, religious beliefs, faith-based resources, integration, cultural competence
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of History, Religions & Philosophies
ISSN: 26935015
Copyright Statement: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2023 14:01
Related URLs: https://eprints ... (Publisher URL)
Funders: Other

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