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Lee, In Hyeock (Ian), Hong, Eunsuk and Shin, Jong Kook (2023) 'Multinational enterprises, intra-regional cross-border M and As, and performance: Location advantages of market versus knowledge.' International Business Review, 32 (6). p. 102177.

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Building on the theories of internalization and regional MNEs and using a sample of 11,098 cross-border M&As in 1997–2017, this study investigates performance implications of MNEs’ cross-border M&As aimed to locate overseas market potential versus knowledge endowment, in terms of intra-regional vis-à-vis inter-regional M&As. The main findings from this study are threefold: (1) Intra-regional cross-border M&As’ positive effects on their completion and post-merger operating performance are location advantage-specific phenomena; (2) When cross-border M&As are geared towards those foreign countries of strong market potential, intra-regional cross-border M&As are more likely to be completed, and followed by better post-merger operating performance of the acquirers than their inter-regional counterparts; and (3) When cross-border M&As are targeted towards those foreign countries endowed with sophisticated knowledge, intra-regional cross-border M&As are less likely to be completed, and do not seem to help the acquirers achieve better post-merger operating performance, compared to their inter-regional counterparts. The study concludes with important theoretical, practical, and public policy implications.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Cross-border M&A deals, Regionalization, Location advantages, Intra-regional M&As, Deal completion, Post-merger performance
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of Finance & Management
ISSN: 09695931
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2023 11:17

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