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Lau, Martin, ed. (2023) Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law. Vol.22 (2021-2022). Leiden: Brill.

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The Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law combines practice-relevant analysis of the latest legal trends in more than twenty Arab and Islamic jurisdictions alongside peer-reviewed articles on the laws of the MENA region, the Islamic world as well as Islamic jurisprudence, case notes and book reviews. As the only global journal that comprehensively and regularly surveys the legal developments in the jurisdictions of the Muslim world, stretching from the Middle East to South and South East Asia, the Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law has become an essential source and point of reference for academics, practitioners and students who work on Islamic and Middle Eastern law. The Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law is affiliated with the Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law at SOAS (University of London), benefits from an international and diverse Board of Editors, and is edited by Martin Lau, Professor of Law, SOAS (University of London) and Barrister at Essex Court Chambers in London, and a team of associate and managing editors.

Item Type: Edited Book or Journal Volume
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of Law
ISBN: 9789004509771
ISSN: 22112987
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2023 14:51
Related URLs: https://brill.c ... ook/title/61817 (Publisher URL)

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