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Suresh, Mayur (2023) Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi’s Courts. Dr. Mayur Suresh in conversation with Neetika Vishwanath. Project 39A. [Audio]

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In this podcast, Project 39A's Director (Sentencing) Neetika Vishwanath speaks to Dr. Mayur Suresh (Senior Lecturer, SOAS University of London) on his recently published book 'Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts'. The book is an ethnographic study of Delhi's Tis Hazari court over 14 months during which Dr. Suresh followed 18 terrorism trials. In this conversation, Dr. Suresh reflects on the relevance of ethnography as a method of legal research and the value of studying everyday life in trial courts. Looking beyond the exceptionalism framework in academia that is often used to describe terrorism laws and trials, ethnography allowed Dr. Suresh to capture ways in which terror accused use legal procedures and technicalities to engage with the law.

Item Type: Audios
SOAS Departments & Centres: Regional Centres and Institutes > SOAS South Asia Institute
School Research Centres > Centre for Asian Legal Studies
Departments and Subunits > School of Law
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2023 16:23

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