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Lockhart, Laurence (1935) Nadir Shah. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This thesis is historical rather than biographical. The story of Nadir's life, after his rise to power, is to so large an extent that of Iran as well that it has been necessary to relate the history of that country during the period of Nadir's prominence; further, I have had to give, in outline, the course of events in adjacent countries, in so far as this was affected by Nadir's policy and acts. Ranging as he did from beyond Qars in the west to Delhi in the east, threatening Russia for a time from Daghistan, and seeking dominion in Turkistan and in Arabia, Nadir was undeniably a figure of great international importance for several years. In compiling the thesis, I have utilised, as far as possible, purely contemporary authorities. When describing important events, I have endeavoured to draw my facts from more than one source; in fact, I have, throughout, sought to coordinate the Iranian and other authorities available. I have tried to be strictly impartial, neither seeking to gloss over Nadir's illdeeds nor to magnify his good actions. In the course of my investigations, I was fortunate enough to come upon a fairly considerable amount of hitherto unutilised material, notably, at the India Office and the Public Record Office. Events have been recorded chronologically, except in the last chapter where, in the appraisement of Nadir's qualities, I found that some recapitulation was necessary. I have devoted some space to the activities and tribulations of the East India Company and of the Russia Company but, in order not to cumber the main narrative unduly, I have included in an appendix the bulk of the information respecting these two Companies. Besides giving a bibliographical introduction, I have compiled a bibliography of the sources consulted, and I have had a series of maps prepared.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 17:26

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