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De, Dhirendra Lal (1931) A Historical Survey of Pancaratra Religion. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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The subject has been divided into five chapters. In the Introduction we have indicated three different phases in the evolution of Pancaratra Philosophy, corresponding to an identical number of stages in the historic career of Pancaratra. In the second chapter Krsna-Vasudeva has been shown to be a real historical figure, and not a vegetation deity nor a solar one. Then, the fortunes of Bhagavatisim, in the light of literary and epigraphic records, have been traced. Incidentally, a bird's-eye view of the philosophy of the four-principal Sampradayas, into wich Bhagavatism at a later stage split up, viz:, Sri-Sampradaya, Sanakadi-Sampradaya, Brahma-Sampradaya, and Rudra-Sampradaya, has been taken to explain the continuity of theistic currents in India. Next we have analysed the various ingredients of Visnu, the Vedic God, leading to his subsequent elevation to the rank of a supreme spirit. The cult of Narayana has been attended to by a similar analytical study, justifying his claim to the position of a cosmic deity. The third chapter contains the philosophy of the semi-Brahmaised Bhagavatas from the Narayaniya episode. As we have no systematic religious literature for the first period, we have entirely to rely for it upon certain stray materials pieced together by Dr. Bhandarkar, Professor Garbe, and Dr. Grierson. In the fourth chapter, an attempt has been made to portray the philosophy of the Pancaratras from their traditional text-books, e.g., the Samhitas. In our treatment of philosophy during the successive stages, we have not allowed ourselves to be disturbed by the question of indebtedness of Pancaratra to pantheism of the Midland. The subject, on account of its immense importance, has received special attention in the concluding chapter on the philosophy of the Upanisads.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 17:14

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