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Ibrahim, Mahmoud A. (1980) The history of the Isma'iliyya Tariqa in the Sudan, 1792-1914. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This study hopes to shed some light on the history of a holy family and a Sufi tariqa which developed in Kordofan. It traces the origin of the family of Sh. Isma'il al-Wali, follows its progress through the Turco-Egyptian, the Mahdia and the Condominium periods, and sees its impact on the society of Kordofan in particular, and on Sudanese society in general. The progress of the tariqa and its structure show that, although it borrowed from the Khatmiyya and the Qadiriyya, it developed into a distinct order. The main emphasis here is on the historical and structural development of the order. The sources may be divided into two main categories: oral and written. Although a number of people have been interviewed, we have depended primarily on the written sources. Most of these are manuscripts in the Sudan Government Archives, Khartoum. In addition to these we have made use of other archival materials dealing with other tariqas and other relevant topics in the Sudan Government Archives, Khartoum and in the Sudan Archives of the University of Durham Library. The work has been divided into five chapters. The first deals with the environment in which Sh. Isma'il, his family and his tariqa grew, and explains their geographical, historical and religious background. The second chapter deals with the founder of the family and the tariqa, Sh. Isma'il, his genealogy, his educational background, his ideas and his writings. The third chapter follows the progress of the Isma'il iliyya during the Mahdia, and deals with their relationship with that movement. It traces some elements of schism which led to the emergence of a branch of the family under the new name of al-Azhari. The fourth chapter deals with the Isma'il iliyya after the establishment of the Condominixm rule. During this period the Isma'il iliyya, both tariqa and family, were exposed to new political and economic changes and were brought in touch with new social forces and experiences. The chapter deals with the impact of these new conditions on the Isma'iliyya. The fifth chapter is devoted mainly to the distinctive organization and rituals of the tariqa.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of History, Religions & Philosophies > Department of History
SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:15

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