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Santokh Singh, Mahinder (1976) Spatial and structural patterns of manufacturing industry in West Malaysia from 1957-1975 : A case study in industrial geography. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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The theme of this thesis is an assessment of the Impact of the manufacturing sector on the national and regional economies of West Malaysia and an evaluation of the factors determining the spatial and structural patterns of manufacturing at the macro- and micro-levels. The industrial policy of the Government is viewed in the context of the economic problems confronting a newly independent nation characterised by an open dualistic economy. The district-level distribution and industrial structure that have emerged are evaluated. An analysis is made of the assumptions implicit in the plan for rapid industrial growth, that, spatially balanced development and an industrial structure conforming to the resource endowment can thereby be attained. Subsequent industrial strategy with its well- defined social and economic priorities is examined. Since the spatial organization and behaviour of industry is partly the result of the individual firm's decision-making and response to industrial policy, the entrepreneurs' motives for investing in manufacturing and the selection of sites are analysed within the framework of location theory. The industrial pattern that has resulted is evaluated. Changes in the industry-mix are noted. A centripetal pattern of industrial growth is revealed. The policy of achieving regional equality based on industrial decentralization is examined in the light of the major factors that determine Industrial location. The hypothesis that equitable distribution of manufacturing Industry involves the minimising of socio-economic differences between regions is tested at the district-level in a canonical correlation. A regional hierarchy is derived on the basis of socioeconomic structure and acquired industrial assistance. The relationship between industrial location and socio-economic structure is further examined in the analysis of commodity flow patterns. A dichotonous classification of commodity flows is derived. A system of regional and subregional production centres is revealed. Patterns of spatially mutual interactions and industrial linkages are derived from the analysis of commodity Interflows. Finally, alternative industrial policy measures and an industrial strategy based on an integrated system, of regional growth centres are examined.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:11

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