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Shuhaimi, Nik Hassan (1976) Buddhist sculpture from Sumatra, peninsular Malaysia and peninsular Thailand during the Srivijayan period, 7th-14th century C.A.D. MPhil thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This study is an attempt to establish the type and nature of the riverine and coastal settlements on the evidence of the cultural remains and literary sources. The cultural remains include the ceramics, Hindu and Buddhist images and architecture. It is hoped that it will indirectly help to elucidate further the problems relating to Srivijaya and the terminology 'Srivijayan art'. The thesis has been divided into six chapters. The arguments are supported by photographs, maps and diagrams. In the first chapter, the aims and objectives of the study have been outlined. Also, the problem relating to the terminology 'Srivijayan art' has been discussed. The data and the problems related to the terminology have been listed and studied. The second chapter deals with: the geographic setting of both the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra; the archaeological data from various sites and;the significance of the data in terms of dating, religious practise and the nature of the sites. The third chapter focusses on the archaeological sites in the Muda and Bujang River valleys. New data on ceramics, architecture, religious images have been discussed, analysed and interpreted. The most significant conclusion is the existence of the centre of settlement at Sungai Emas prior to the rise of Pengkalan Bujang as an entrepot. In the fourth chapter, discussions focuss on the Buddhist images. They have been analysed and identified and dated. The influnces on the styles have been suggested. The same approach has been applied to chapter five which deals with Hindu images. The last chapter provides a brief summary of all Hindu and Buddhist images used in the study and they are then grouped into chronological set. The architecture, too, has been summarised and placed in the chronological group or set. The final part of the chapter concludes on the nature of the various kingdoms located and named.

Item Type: Theses (MPhil)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:07

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