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Ariel, Shlomo (1969) The verb stems and conjugations in colloquial Israeli Hebrew : A syntactic and semantic study. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This thesis consists mainly of an explanatory description of the systematic interrelations between the so-called conjugations (Binyanim) and certain general semantic and syntactic properties of verbs in Colloquial Israeli Hebrew. The description itself is preceded by a general introductory part, which gives a definition for the term Colloquial Israeli Hebrew (1.1.), spells out the transcription used in the thesis (1.2.1,), notes on some morphophonemic properties of conjugations and stems (1.2.2.) and gives some details on the research methods used (1.4.; 1.5.), addition, this part includes a critique of traditional and current approaches to the problem of the Binyanim (l.3.) and a concise exposition of the theoretical model which the description follows, a model based on notions and notations borrowed from the T.G. and/Predicate Calculus (1.6.). The description pressuposes a classification of the verbs according to various Basic Predication types (this concept, which is roughtly equivalent to basic syntactic patterns, is introduced in 1.6.) into which they fit. This classification is incorporated in the index of roots appended to the thesis. Most (occurrences of) conjugations are said to be "basic", that is roughtly "associated with B.P.-types on which no operation has been performed" (2.1.5; 2.10.). Some are said to be "derived", that is "associated with B.P.-types on which operations such as converse-derivation (1.6.9; 2.10.5) reflexive-instantiation (2.10.1.) conjunction and reciprocal instantiation (2.10.2) etc. have been performed". Basic (occurrences of) conjugations are characterized as follows: Each group of conjugations is associated with a class of roots which defines both middle-intransitive ("non-ergative") and active-transitive ("ergative") B.P.-types (1.6.5.; 2.1.) and in which most roots share certain combinations of meaning- features. (The elements in each such combination are taken from a small stock. Some of them are redundant (2.1.4)). The conjugations occuring in non-ergative B.P.-types realise the marked term of the "Aktionsart" category ingressive vs. non- ingressive (1.3.3; 2.1.3). The Aktionsart contrast neutralizes in the environments of certain classes of roots, defined semantically (2.5 - 2.7). Departures from the above scheme have usually a simple explanation (2.4; 2.5; 2.6.).

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > School of Languages, Cultures & Linguistics > Department of Linguistics
SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2018 15:03

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