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Simpson, Edward and de Alwis, Malathi (2018) 'Memory Interventions: Gujarat and Sri Lanka.' In: Reddy, Sunita, (ed.), The Asia Tsunami and Post-Disaster Aid. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 253-269.

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This article explores some of the memorial practices that emerged after the devastating 2001 earthquake in Gujarat and the Tsunami of 2004 that decimated most of the coastal regions in Sri Lanka. In both locations, acts of memorialization were inseparable from reconstruction initiatives and broader political currents. In Gujarat, regional politics, Hindu nationalism, and the irresistible rise of Narendra Modi overshadowed memorialization processes. In Sri Lanka, political fallibilities of the state and localized manifestations of the ongoing civil war in the northern and eastern regions of the country had a significant influence. In both cases, politics of all kinds, and at all levels of collective representation, have influenced the ways in which memorials have been designed, located, and inaugurated.

Item Type: Book Chapters
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Anthropology & Sociology
ISBN: 9789811301810
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2018 08:02
Funders: Economic and Social Research Council

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