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Fine, Ben and Saad Filho, Alfredo (2018) 'Marx 200: The Abiding Relevance of the Labour Theory of Value.' Review of Political Economy, 30 (3). pp. 339-354.

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Marxist political economy is alive and well, and not just because of the habitual turn to Marx in response to any crisis of capitalism. Both through Capital and through the continuing evolution of Marxism, Marxist political economy offers valuable insights that can illuminate the modalities of social and economic reproduction and the relationships between (different aspects of) the economic and the non-economic. Marxism’s presence has been felt through its own internal debates and debates with other approaches to political economy, and even through its influence on those reacting against Marxism. The key to the continuing relevance and analytical strengths of Marxist political economy lies in its capacity to provide a framework of analysis for unifying disparate insights into and critiques of the contradictions of capitalism across the social sciences. The instrument for forging that unity is Marx’s theory of value, the potential of which is examined and illustrated with reference to the Sraffian critique and two key concepts in Marxian political economy: the value of labour power and financialisation. They are explored in the light of the processes of commodification, commodity form and commodity calculation.

Item Type: Journal Article
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Economics
Departments and Subunits > Department of Development Studies
ISSN: 09538259
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 08 Jan 2018 14:21

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