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Sinha, Subir and Varma, Rashmi (2015) 'Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What's Left of the Debate?' Critical Sociology, 43 (4-5). pp. 545-558.

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This article provides an introduction to the special issue, ‘Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What’s Left of the Debate?’ It casts a critical glance at the long history of engagements between Marxism and postcolonial theory that have been both collaborative and antagonistic. The authors argue that far from materializing the end of either postcolonial theory or of Marxist approaches, these exchanges have been productive and have underscored the continuing currency of both, pointing to ways that go beyond the impasse. The article also provides a critical overview of the debates within different disciplines and suggests new and creative ways of reconceptualizing Marxism and postcolonial theory for the current conjuncture.

Item Type: Journal Article
Additional Information: Published Online before print 17 December 2015
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Law and Social Sciences > Department of Development Studies
ISSN: 08969205
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2016 09:03

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