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Cramer, Christopher and Weeks, John (2002) 'Macroeconomic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment.' In: Nafziger, E. Wayne and Väyrynen, Raimo, (eds.), The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies. Basingstoke: UNU/WIDER: Palgrave, pp. 43-61. (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)

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Claims that structural adjustment and stabilization (henceforth ‘adjustment’) programmes are directly responsible for conflict lack empirical support1 and smack of economism. Yet, to the extent that economic forces contribute to the origins of CHEs, policy will affect the likelihood of such crises.2 This chapter explores the role of adjustment policies in the origins of conflict, and the implications for economic policies, especially for designing WB and IMF adjustment.

Item Type: Book Chapters
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Law and Social Sciences > Department of Development Studies
ISBN: 9780333964385
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 09 Dec 2007 13:31

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