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Mosse, David (2013) 'The Anthropology of International Development.' Annual Review of Anthropology, 42. pp. 227-246.

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This review examines how international development has been studied by anthropologists, both as a particular form of institutional practice and as the terms of global economic and cultural integration. This review also explains a shift from an anthropological critique of the discursive power of development toward the ethnographic treatment of development as a category of practice. It reviews research into organizational and knowledge practices, and the life-worlds of “Aidland,” before turning to anthropological approaches to neoliberal development and the new aid architecture and, finally, to three significant current issues: the importance of business in development and corporate social responsibility; the donor focus on poverty as the result of the failure of government, conflict, and insecurity; and the growing importance of new donors such as China and India. This review concludes with comments about how engagement with international development has encouraged reflection on the practice of anthropology itself.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: aid, donors, expert knowledge, neoliberalism, poverty, ethnography
SOAS Departments & Centres: Departments and Subunits > Department of Anthropology & Sociology
Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Department of Anthropology and Sociology
ISSN: 00846570
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2014 10:07
Related URLs: http://www.annu ... o-092412-155553 (Publisher URL)

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