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Bernheimer, Teresa (2013) The 'Alids: The First family of Islam, 750-1200. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

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This book is an study of the ʻAlids focuses on the crucial formative period from the Abbasid Revolution of 750 to the Saljuq period of 1100. Exploring their rise from both a religious point of view and as a social phenomenon, it investigates how they attained and extended the family's status over the centuries. The ʻAlids are the descendants of the Prophet Muṭammad, the elite family of Islam. The respect and veneration they are accorded is unparalleled in Islamic society, regardless of political or religious affiliation. And they have played a major role Islamic history, from famous early rebels to the founders and eponyms of major Islamic sects, and from ninth-century Moroccan and tenth-century Egyptian rulers to the current King of Jordan, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and the Aga Khan.

Item Type: Authored Books
Keywords: ʻAlids, Abbasid Revolution, Saljūq, Prophet Muṭammad, elite family, Islam, Islamic society, Islamic history, rebels, Islamic sects
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Department of History
ISBN: 9780748638475
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2013 14:16

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