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Kennedy, Hugh, ed. (2005) Muslim military architecture in greater Syria: from the coming of Islam to the Ottoman Period. Leiden; Boston: Brill.

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Crusader castles have been the subject of academic study for well over a century but the castles constructed by Muslim powers in greater Syria have been comparatively neglected. This series of studies looks at key developments and monuments in the history of Muslim military architecture in Syria from its beginnings under the Umayyads (661-750) down to Ottoman times. These studies range from ground-breaking archaeological studies to wide-ranging analysis of broader trends. The work is fully illustrated with photographs and plans, most of them never published before.

Item Type: Edited Book or Journal Volume
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Languages and Cultures > Department of the Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East
ISBN: 9789004147133
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2013 09:51

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