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Salffner, Sophie (2012) Farming, food and yam: language and cultural practices among Ikaan speakers: an archive of language and cultural material from the Akaan people of Ikakumo (Ondo State and Edo State, Nigeria). [Datasets] (Unpublished)

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This corpus contains linguistic and cultural data on Ikaan, a dialect of Ukaan, which is spoken in two villages in south-western Nigeria. This research project behind the corpus investigates phonetic and phonological variation among speakers based on a documentation of language around, knowledge of and practices in food, food production and farming, with a special focus on the New Yam Festival. The data was collected by Sophie Salffner, linguist and principal investigator of the project, Maria Tzika, visual anthropologist of the project, and the community members themselves. Outputs of the project include an annotated audiovisual documentation corpus with data from a wide range of speakers, but also an anthropological visual map and a series of short documentary films around the festival.

Item Type: Datasets
Additional Information: None of the data in the corpus may be used as evidence in court.
SOAS Departments & Centres: Legacy Departments > Faculty of Languages and Cultures > Department of Linguistics
Copyright Statement: Access rights to individual resources are defined in the metadata of the deposit. Users of any part of the deposit should acknowledge Sophie Salffner as the principal investigator and Sophie Salffner and Maria Tzika as the data collectors and researcher.s Users should also acknowledge the Endangered Languages Documentation Programme as the funder of the project. Individual speakers whose words and/or images are used should be acknowledged by name. Any other contributor who has collected, transcribed or translated the data or was involved in any other way should be acknowledged by name. All information on contributors is available in the metadata. To refer to any data from the corpus, please cite the corpus in this way: Salffner, Sophie. 2012. Farming, food and yam: language and cultural practices among Ikaan speakers: an archive of language and cultural material from the Akaan people of Ikakumo (Ondo State and Edo State, Nigeria). SOAS. (Add link here + date of access).
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2012 10:57
Funders: Other

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