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Further reading




Antia, N.H. and Kavita Bhatia. Peoples health in people’s hands. Pune: Foundation for Research in Community Health, 1993.

Antia, N.H. and Ravi Duggal. Health financing in India. Bombay: Foundation for Research in Community Health, 1988.

Arnold, David. Imperial medicine and indigenous societies. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989.

Bajaj, J.S. Medical education and health care: a pluridimensional paradigm. Shimla: IIAS, 1998.

Bala, Poonam. Imperialism and medicine in Bengal. New Delhi: Sage, 1991.

Bandhopadhyaya, T.S. Arogya Niketan. Translated by Hans Kumar Tiwari. Delhi: Rajpal and Sons, 1962.

Banerji, D. Health and family planning services in India: an epidemiological, socio-cultural and political analysis and a perspective. New Delhi: Lok Paksh, 1985.

Banerji, D. Poverty, class and health culture in India, Vol I. New Delhi: Prachi Prakasan, 1982.

Bang, Rani and Abhay Shukla. Learning about sexuality – a practical beginning. New Delhi: The Population Council, 1989.

Banuri, Tariq. Modernisation and its discontents: a cultural perspective of theories of development, in F.A. Marglin and S. Marglin (eds), Dominating knowledge. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.

Baru, Rama V. Private health care in India: social characteristics and trends. New Delhi: Sage, 1998.

Basu, Alaka Malwade. Culture, the status of women and demographic behaviour – illustrated with case studies of India. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.

Bennett, S., et al. (ed) Private health providers in developing countries. London: Zed Books, 1997.

Berman, P. and M.E. Khan (eds). Paying for India’s health care. New Delhi: Sage, 1993.

Bose, Ashish. From population to people (2 vols). Delhi: BR Publishing, 1988.

Charles, Leslie. Asian medical systems: a comparative study. Berkeley: University of California, 1976.

Choudhary, Zafrullah. Basic service delivery in underdeveloping countries: a view from Gonashasthaya Kendra, in Kamla Bhasin and Vimala Ramachandran (eds), Readings on poverty, politics and development. FAO: Rome, 1980.

Coale, Ansley J. and Edgar M. Hoover. Population growth and development in low income countries. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958.

Correa, S. Population and reproductive rights: feminist perspectives from the South. London: Zed Books, 1994.

Cousins, Norman. Human options. New York: Berkeley Books, 1983.

Cousins, Norman. The healing heart. New York: Avon Books, 1984.

Das, Veena, et al. Scientific and political representations: the cholera vaccine in India. Social Science and Immunisation Working Paper Series No 5. Delhi: CDE, 1997.

Dasgupta, M., L. Chen and T.N. Krishnan (eds). Health, poverty and development in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Deacon, Bob. Global social policy: international organization and the future of welfare. London: Sage, 1997.

Doyal, L. The political economy of health. London: Pluto Press, 1979.

Duggal, Ravi. A note on health care and financing strategies for the ninth five year plan; sub-group on health financing strategies. New Delhi: Planning Commission; Mumbai: CEHAT, April 1996.

Duggal, Ravi. The private health sector in India: nature, trends and a critique. Mumbai: CEHAT, 1996.

Epstein, Julia. Altered conditions: disease, medicine and storytelling. New York and London: Routledge, 1996.

Farmer, Paul. Aids and accusation: Haiti and the geography of blame. Berkeley and California: University of California Press, 1992.

Ghosh S.P. (ed) Aspects of science and culture – essays and tributes in honour of B. Mukhopadhaya. Patna, 1992.

Gould, Donald. The medical mafia. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1985.

Government of India. Reproductive and child health programme: schemes for implementation. India: Department of Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, 1997.

Harrison, Mark. Public health in British India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

HealthWatch Trust. Community needs based reproductive and child health in India – progress and constraints. Jaipur: HWT, 1999.

ICSSR/ICMR. Health for all: an alternative strategy. Bombay: FRCH, 1978.

Illich, Ivan. Medical nemisis. London: Calder and Boyars, 1985.

India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Manual on community needs assessment approach in family welfare programme. New Delhi: GOI, 1998.

India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Manual on target free approach in family welfare programme. New Delhi: GOI, 1996.

International Institute for Population Sciences. India: national family health survey, 1992-93. Bombay: IIPS, 1995.

Iyengar, S.D. and V. Srinivasan. Improving quality of care of reproductive health and family planning programmes, 4. India: United Nations Population Fund, 1995.

Iyer, Aditi and Amar Jesani. Medical ethics for self-regulation of medical profession and practice. Mumbai: CEHAT, 1999.

Iyer, Aditi, Amar Jesani, Audrey Fernandes, Seema Hirani and Sandeep Khanvilkar. Women in health care: auxiliary nurse midwives. Bombay: FRCH, 1995.

Jain, Anirudh (ed). Do population policies matter? Fertility and politics in Egypt, India, Kenya and Mexico. New York: Population Council, 1998.

Jeffery, R. Politics of health in India. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

Jeffery, Roger and Patricia Jeffery. Population, gender and politics: demographic change in rural north India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Kannan, K.P., et al. Health and development in rural Kerala. Trivandrum: KSSP, 1993.

King, Maurice H. Medicine in an unjust world, in Oxford textbook of medicine, Vol. 1, 3.3-3.11. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Kumar, Anil. Medicine and the raj: British medical policy in India 1835-1911. Delhi: Sage, 1998.

Lawrence, G. (ed) Technology and modern medicine. London: Science Museum, 1994.

Lingam, Lakshmi (ed). Understanding women’s health issues – a reader. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1998.

Liow, M. Putting men on the agenda, in M. Liow, S. Tahir and J. Satia (eds), Innovative approaches to population programme management, 4. Malaysia: International Council on Management of Population Programmes, 1996.

Mavalankar, D.V., R. Bang and A. Bang. Quality reproductive health services in rural India: the search experience. Malaysia: International Council on Management of Population Programmes, 1998.

McKinlay, J.B. Issues in the political economy of health. London: Tavistock, 1984.

Murray, Christopher J.L. and Alan D. Lopez (eds). The global burden of disease. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996.

Nandraj, Sunil and Ravi Duggal. Financing of disease control programmes in India. Mumbai: CEHAT, 1996.

Nandraj, Sunil and Ravi Duggal. Physical standards in the private health sector: a case study of rural Maharashtra. Mumbai: CEHAT, 1997.

Nandy, Ashis and Shiv Visvanathan. Modern medicine and its non-modern critics: a study in discourse, in F.A. Marglin and S. Marglin (eds), Dominating knowledge. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990 and New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Pachauri, Saroj. Implementing a reproductive health agenda in India: the beginning. New Delhi: Population Council, 1999.

Pachauri, Saroj. Defining a reproductive health package for India: a proposed framework, 4. New Delhi: The Population Council, 1995.

Pachauri, Saroj. Reaching India’s poor. New Delhi: Sage, 1994.

Rajvanshi, J. Health delivery system: preconditions for effective role of NGOs. Working paper no. 4. Jaipur: Institute of Development Studies, 1998.

Ramasundaram, S., T. Rangarajan and S. Muthuramalingam. The role of political will and official commitment in Tamil Nadu’s fertility decline studies of human development in India. Discussion paper series, no. 24. Trivandrum: CDS, 1997.

Rao, Mohan (ed). Disinvesting in health: the World Bank’s prescriptions for health. New Delhi: Sage, 1999.

Rohde, Jon and Hema Vishwanathan. The rural practitioner. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Rosen, G. A history of public health. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1993.

Sahu, S.K. Health culture in transition. New Delhi: Khama Publishers, 1991.

Satia, J.K. and G. Giridhar. Supply aspects of meeting demand for family planning, in J.K. Satia and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy (eds), The demographic challenges: a study of four large Indian states. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Seal, Arna. Negotiating intimacies: sexualities, birth control and poor households. Calcutta: Stree, 2000.

Sen, Gita, Adrienne Germain and Lincoln Chen (eds). Population policies reconsidered – health, empowerment and rights. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994.

Shah, Ghanshyam. Public health and urban development. New Delhi: Sage, 1997.

Tarin, E.U. and C. Thunhurst. Community participation with provider collaboration. World Health Forum, 19. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1998.

Taylor, Richard. Medicine out of control: the anatomy of malignant technology. Melbourne: Sun Books, 1979.

Thomas, Lewis. The lives of a cell: notes of a biology watcher. New York: The Viking Press, 1974.

Turshen, M. The politics of public health. London: Zed Books, 1989.

Vishwanath, Kalpana and Preeti Kirbat. Genealogy of a controversy: development of an anti-fertility vaccine. Social Science and Immunisation Project Working Paper Series No 7. Delhi: CDE, 1997.

Vishwanath, Kalpana and Preeti Kirbat. The campaign of the women’s movement against new contraceptives. Social Science and Immunisation Project Working Paper Series No 18. Delhi: CDE, 1997.

Viswanathan, H. and Jon Rohde. Diarrhoea in rural India. Delhi: Vision Books, 1990.

Voluntary Health Association of India. The state of India’s health. New Delhi: VHAI, 1993.

World Bank. India: reproductive and child health project. Project appraisal document, report no. 16393-IN, Washington D.C.: The World Bank, 1997.

World Bank. India: policy and finance strategies for strengthening primary health care services. Report no. 13042-IN, Washington: The World Bank, 1995.

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World Health Organisation. Regional health report 1998 – focus on women. New Delhi: WHO, South East Asia Region, 1998.

Zinsser, H. Rats, lice and history. Boston: Little Brown, 1934.





Bansal, R. and R. Arya. Wife battering: findings of a preliminary study. ‘Indian Journal of Public Health’ 37(4): October-December 1993:138-139.

Baru, Rama and Amar Jesani. The role of the World Bank in international health: renewed commitment and partnership. ‘Social Science and Medicine’ 50: 2000: 183-184.

Bhat, R. and J.S. Surjit. Respiratory diseases in women exposed to domestic smoke. ‘Journal of the Association of Physicians of India’ 45(12): 1997: 923-925.

Chuttani, C.S., J.C. Bhatia, A.K. Bhatia, S.C. Bhandari, Dharamvir and A. Timmappaya. Study on private medical practitioners in rural areas of a few states in India. ‘Indian Journal of Medical Education’ 2(3-4): 1-5.

Duggal, Ravi and Sunil Nandraj. National disease control programmes: recent trends in financing. ‘Radical Journal of Health’ 2(1): January-March 1996: 86-91.

Duggal, Ravi, Sunil Nandraj and Asha Vadair. Health expenditure across states – part I. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 30 (15): 15 April 1995: 834-44.

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Ellis, Randal, P. Ellis, Moneer Alam and Indrani Gupta. Health insurance in India: prognosis and prospectus. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 35(4): 22-28 January 2000: 207-17.

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Ramachandran, V. and Leela Visaria. Emerging issues in reproductive health. ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ 32(36): 1997: 2244-47.

Ramachandran, Vimala. NGOs in the time of globalization. ‘Seminar’ (447): November 1996: 54-59.

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Seminar Issues

Reproductive Health (447) November 1996; AIDS (396) August 1992; Health for All (369) May 1990; The Fight for Health (12) August 1960.
