Further reading



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Achenbaum, W. Andrew. Societal perceptions of the aging and the aged. In Robert H. Binstock and Ethel Shanas (eds), Handbook of aging and the social sciences. New York: Van Nostrand, 1985.

Bacon, Roger. The care of old age and preservation of youth. Edited and translated by Richard Browne. London: Thomas Flesber, Edward Evets, 1683.

Bali, Arun P. (ed) Understanding greying people of India. New Delhi: Inter India Publications, 1999.

Bambawale, U. Growing old in young India: a sociological study of women and ageing. Pune: Snehavardhan Publishing House, 1993.

Biswas, S.K. (ed) Ageing in contemporary India. Calcutta: Indian Anthropological Society, 1987.

Bose, A.B. and K.D. Gangrade (eds). The ageing in India: problems and possibilities. New Delhi: Abhinav, 1988.

Callahan, Daniel. Setting limits: medical goals in an aging society. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.

Charcot, Jean Martin. Clinical lectures on the diseases of old age. Translated by Leigh H. Hunt. New York: W. Wood and Co., 1881.

Chopra, Deepak. Ageless body, timeless mind: the quantum alternative to growing old. New York: Harmony Books, 1993.

Chowdhry, Dharam Paul. Ageing and the aged: a source book. New Delhi: Inter-India Publications, 1992.

Cole, Thomas R. and Sally A. Gadow (eds). What does it mean to grow old? Reflections from the humanities. Durham: Duke University Press, 1986.

Cole, Thomas R. The journey of life: a cultural history of aging in America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

D’Souza, V.S. Changing social scene and its implication for the aged. In K.G. Desai (ed), Aging in India. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 1989.

Dandekar, Kumudini. The elderly in India. New Delhi: Sage, 1996.

de Beauvoir, Simone. The coming of age (La Vieillesse). Translated by Patrick O’Brian. New York: G.P. Putnam’s, 1972 (1970).

De Souza, Alfred and Walter Fernandes (eds). Ageing in South Asia. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1982.

De Souza, Alfred. The social organization of ageing among the urban poor. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1982.

Desai, K.G. (ed) Ageing in India. Bombay: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 1982.

Dhillon, P.K. Psychosocial aspects of aging in India. New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1992.

Featherstone, M. and M. Hepworth. Ageing and old age: reflections on the postmodern life course. In B. Bytheway et al. (eds), Becoming and being old. London: Sage, 1989.

Fischer, D.H. Growing old in America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Fry, C.L. (ed) Aging in culture and society: comparative viewpoints and strategies. New York: Praeger, 1980.

Fry, C.L. and J. Keith (eds). New methods for old age research. South Hadley: Berigin and Garvey, 1986.

Humphrey, D. Final exit: the practicalities of self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying. Eugene: Hemlock Society, 1991.

Joseph, James. Aged in India: problems and personality. Allahabad: Chugh Publications, 1991.

Kaufman, Sharon R. The ageless self: sources of meaning in later life. New York: Meridian, 1986.

Keyfitz, Nathan and Wilhelm Flieger. World population growth and aging: demographic trends in the late twentieth century. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1990.

Marshall, Victor W. The social psychology of aging. Beverly Hills, California: Sage, 1986.

Mishra, Saraswati. Problems and social adjustment in old age: a sociological analysis. New Delhi: Gian Publishers, 1989.

Parry, Jonathan P. Death in Banaras. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Rajan, S. Irudaya and U.S. Mishra. Population aging: causes and consequences. In K.C. Zachariah and S. Irudaya Rajan (eds), Kerala’s demographic transition: determinants and consequences. New Delhi: Sage, 1997.

Rajan, S. Irudaya, U.S. Mishra and P.S. Sarma. A survey of elderly in India. Bangkok: ESCAP, United Nations, and Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies, 1994.

Rajan, S. Irudaya, U.S. Mishra and P.S. Sarma. India: national ageing trends. In, Life long preparation for old age in Asia and the Pacific. New York: United Nations, 1996.

Rajan, S. Irudaya, U.S. Mishra and P.S. Sarma. India’s elderly: burden or challenge? New Delhi/Thousand Oaks/London: Sage, 1999.

Rajan, S. Irudaya. Growing old gracefully. In K.R. Nair (ed), Geriatric neurology. Trivandrum: Trivandrum Association of Neurology, 1992.

Registrar General of India. Census of India 1991. Population projections for India and states, 1996-2016. New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 1996.

Rogers, Andrei (ed). Elderly migration and population redistribution. London: Belhaven Press, 1992.

Sarkar, B.N. Demography of aged people. Calcutta: Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Survey Research Centre, 1989.

Sati, P.N. Retired and aging people: a study of their problems. Delhi: Mittal Publications, 1988.

Sharma, M.L. and T.M. Dak (eds). Aging in India: challenge for the society. New Delhi: Ajanta Publications, 1987.

Sharma, S.P. and Peter Xenos. Ageing in India: demographic background and analysis based on census materials. Census of India, 1991, occasional paper 2. Delhi: Registrar General and Census Commissioner, 1992.

Tilak, S. Religion and aging in the Indian tradition. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.

United Nations. World population projections to 2150. New York: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 1998.

van Willigen, John. Gettin’ some age on me: the social organization of older people in a rural American community. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1989.

Vatuk, Sylvia. To be a burden on others? Dependency anxiety among the elderly in India. In O.M. Lynch (ed), Divine passions, the social construction of emotion in India. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1990.

Venkoba Rao, A.K. Psychiatry of old age in India. Ahmedabad: Torrent Laboratories, 1989.

Vishwanathan, R. Medical problems of old age. Bombay: Current Technical Literature Company, 1969.

World Bank. Averting the old age crisis: policies to protect the old and promote growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Zachariah, K.C. and S. Irudaya Rajan. Kerala’s demographic transition: determinants and consequences. New Delhi: Sage, 1997.




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