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McElligott, Patrick (1984) The Life and Work of Kobayashi Issa. PhD thesis. SOAS University of London. DOI:

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This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter one is a detailed account of the life of Kobayashi Issa. It is divided into the following sections; 1. Background and Early Childhood. 2. Early Years in Edo. 3. His First Return to Kashiwabara. 4. His journey into Western Japan. 5. The Death of His Father. 6. Life inland Around Edo. 1801-1813. 7. Life as a Poet in Shinano. 8. Family Life in Kashiwabara. 9. Conclusion. Haiku verses and prose pieces are introduced in this chapter for the purpose of illustrating statements made concerning his life. The second chapter traces the development of Issa's style of haiku. It is divided into five sections which correspond to the4apanese year periods in which Issa lived. Each section is preceded by selected translations from his work of that period. These selections are made on the basis of their usefulness to illustrate the development of his style of poetry. In their selection the following Jiapanese works on Kobayashi Issa are the major sources; (a). Kobayashi Issa, by Ito Masao, Sanseido Press. 1942. (11). Kobayashi Issa, by Maruyama Kazuhiko, Ofusha Press 1965. (c). Kobayashi Issa, by Kuriyama Riichi, Chikuma Shbbo Press 1970. (d). Kobayashi Issa, Mukudori no Haijin, by Kaneko Tota Kodansha Press.1981. (e). Haikaiji Issa no Geijitsu, by Murata Noboru, Nishi Nihon Toyobunkakenkytisho. 1969 The text used for all translations is from The Complete Works of Issa, published by the Mainichi Shinbunsha between 1976 and 1979,. in nine volumes. The development of Issa's style is traced in relation to the major influences upon it, his rural background, his life of poverty in Edo, the discrimination and loneliness he experienced, the literary influences to which he was exposed, his personality and religious faith and its development through the suffering and misfortune he experienced. Chapter three is a brief account of the history of the study of Issa in Japan. N.B. Japanese year periods, in Japanese nengo are irregular numbers of years which coincide with the length of the reign of each emperor. The system was instituted in the 7th century and has continued ever since. The present year period, Showa, began when the present emperor began his reign in 1926, and will finish when he dies. There have been 231 year periods since the year 645 A.D.

Item Type: Theses (PhD)
SOAS Departments & Centres: SOAS Research Theses > Proquest
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 17:20

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